Friday, July 18, 2008

The First Office Move

Isn't this great? Our offices are now in the future Youth Room under the stage. It is bright, clean, spacious and OUT of the mess! Come visit us in our new location!
What WAS the men's washroom...
I didn't hate the old office that badly but sometimes it's just good to take out frustration's on the wall, you know?
This is Henry's contribution....
Shawn coming through the wall at the entrance to the women's washroom.
A new look at my old office.

I wonder how many trailer loads of junk we have hauled out. Tearing out drywall sure makes a mess! The new washrooms under the stage will be ready to use on Sunday. So if you were thinking about not coming on Sunday, I've just given you a good reason to change your mind!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was thinking of not coming on Sunday but then I heard about those washrooms and now I'm not sure. Should I come and check them out or not?

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