Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A few basement pictures and a drywall update

Did you know there is a back stairwell? If you walked through that door at the top of the stairs you would look right at the back of the insurance office. Going out this door to your left is the area we are going to sod on Saturday. So we are hoping to be able to use the large areas for VBS and have the kids exit this door for the games time. This is under the front entry... the lower area when you come in at the car port. This will all be storage (left, around the back and to under the stairs) and mechanical room (middle area, on the right of this picture). Here I'm standing near the part that is under the stairs, looking back to the entry of the storage area. That door will not be there, it's just leaning against the wall. We will have a huge storage area!!!
Today they unloaded all these light fixtures into the storage area.Can you see my office in the background? That's the men's washroom wall that Ryan is tearing apart today.
He only saw a few sparks so everyone is OK. I'll just close my door so I don't have to watch.
We will be moving our offices this afternoon so I may not be able to update the blog too much more this week. Hopefully, we will get online quickly and the move will go smoothly. We are moving to the Youth Room under the stage so they can tear these offices apart to make new washrooms.

Oh, here's what's happening upstairs today...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW! A lot has been done since Sunday! I can't wait to see what it will look like when we come home from holidays when VBS starts! How exciting!


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