Friday, July 25, 2008

Brick by brick

This is my friend Doug. We are friends because I keep taking pictures of the poor guy while he is working. I suppose he could just throw bricks at me but he has chosen to be nice for which I'm happy.
I take lots of pictures because I really admire his work. I also admire his work ethic. Get to it, keep working, he's fast and he rarely takes a break. That's the way I like to work too, although I've learned the importance of interruptions in my job.
The only good an interruption will do for Doug is that he gets yet another picture on this widely known, world class blog. Right? Look at that dust fly!!!

Almost done those pillars. Now here's a good start on the front.
Thanks for your great work Doug!
Next week he will finish the front and start on the brick work inside. I will not be able to keep you updated on this process because I'm going to a funeral in BC next week and Pastor Tim is away at camp. I'm back in the office on Thursday afternoon and Friday. If I have time, maybe I can get a few pictures.
Thanks for remembering the pastors in prayer this week.

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