Tuesday, July 8, 2008

We are back!

Hi Everyone, did you miss me?
Well, I missed you... even I was annoyed, checking the blog and not seeing any updates. Well, a lot of what has happened while we were away. We did have a relaxing week off and then a great week in Winnipeg at the National BGC conference. Some of my very favorite people were able to attend with us... Tim & Juanita, Tim S. and lots of friends from other provinces that we have not seen before. It was great!
Meanwhile, it seems they can work without us (who knew?) and lots has been done here at the church. The marks in the picture are dust particles that reflect the flash from the camera.
The picture below is Henry building the fireplace frame. George discussing the electrical progress with the electrician.
Good job Henry. Can I light a fire? Maybe it would help to dry that floor?
Then, a week later, this is what we came home to after conference...

Today they continue to hang drywall on the walls in the back offices. The nursery, washrooms and offices will likely be done by the end of today. You know, I have to say that I'm not really looking forward to the sanding days of ALL that drywall! But it sure will be nice when it's done!

Lots is happening in the basement too. You know that door across from my office that used to be Harv's office? Well, it's still there but those stairs are what you see if you go through it.Why is it that in order to improve things, they always get more messy before they get better? A good picture of life sometimes, don't you agree?

This is taken from the new basement, looking back at my office window. I'd love to show you how much room that new basement will have and how open and wonderful it is in there, but there's really not enough light and the pictures just don't look like anything. You may have to come see it for yourself!

Well, it's good to be home. I love it when Erwin D. phones and says, "How's my church?". That's how I feel too! Keep praying for Erwin. He has a long recovery ahead of him and longs to be able to get around. Right now the pain he is experiencing will not let him get out of bed.

I'll try to keep more pictures coming. Thanks for your interest!



Anonymous said...

I'm glad your back and updating the blog. Us campers/church skippers are still interested in all the changes. Thanks Sharon for keeping us informed.

Lisa Sawatzky said...

Oh, and don't forget the drop-outs. We like the updates too.

I can hardly wait to come see the new area. Do you think it will be done by the long weekend in Aug?

Michael and Sharlene McDonald said...

We foreigners appreciate the updates too- though I'm a little more interested in Erwin D-- what happened?


Anonymous said...

It looks so great! I was trying to take pictures when I was working at the office so that you would have pics to post of the things that happened while you were gone.......... but I couldn't find the camera! Sorry! I couldn't find my camera at home either. Doh!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, that was me, Carey, on the last comment. LOL!
Carey Thiessen

Anonymous said...

Hey! Looking alive people! Is that what I have to do to get comments? I think I'll leave town more often!
Thanks for your response!

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