Saturday, July 19, 2008

Sod for VBS Games

Did you hear the thunder storms last night? Did anyone else lie in bed thinking that we will never be able to do the sod at the church this morning! It was a beautiful morning but we were sure the ground would be too wet. Well, it was nicely packed and we had no problem!
Here are a few pictures of the fun...
Thank you to Mark, Tim, Mark, Oliver ...
Scotty & Gord...
Mark P.....
Rick, Tammy, George,
Rod and Kurtis. Harv and I were also there ... I'd like to say supervising, but my arms and hands are too sore to say that!!!

Tammy, this looks heavy! She said that the middle rolls were very hot! Good thing we didn't have to wait until Monday to do this!

Mark E looks like the inspector!

Or maybe it's Gord who is inspecting... testing for level-ness. This took him hours to test the whole area. We are not too sure what the rock represents unless "like" matter prefers to hang out in close proximity. Just kidding Gord... remember this picture was YOUR idea!

Rod learns from his kids how to clean up!

Ann Doell baked for us this morning. Just when we finished she brought in the baking and we enjoyed hot sausage rolls! MMmmm. Thank you Ann!

Thanks for joining us Erwin and Ann. Erwin it is so great to see you out and about... well, maybe more out than about but I'm sure the next time you will be able to come for a tour of the new building.

Praise God for all His provisions today! Thank you God!

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