Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Here comes the first beam for the carport. And, beam number 2!
After today, the handy zoom-boom will go back to it's owner. It's been such a great tool!

Notice the soffits are done on this end too! You don't see the crew in this picture because they are inside cooling off and enjoying a coffee break. Henry's not really sleeping in this next picture, he's just too "hot" to let me take his picture. Oh, did that come out wrong? I mean, it's really hot out there and he didn't want his picture taken.
(That comment was for his special girl in Foam Lake... hi Heather.)They have coffee break here every day so if you live close enough to treat them to a snack, they sure appreciate it! Just drop by the church any day of the week! Thanks! More tomorrow.

1 comment:

Lisa Sawatzky said...

I came all the way from Calgary to make them treats. Beat that, Martensvilleites.

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