Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Blogger Blip

Hi Everyone! Thanks for all the comments about missing the blog last week. I'll try to take them as a compliment and pretend that I'm appreciated.... or at least my blogging. If you have been wondering where I was, well here's the reason I took a week of holidays. Lisa was on holidays for a week and came home to help me with the gardens. We had a great week off together. We planted all our flower beds, visited greenhouses and coffee shops. But I'm back now and I'll try to catch up with the happenings from last week.
Last week they tore out the walls of the old lobby, joining it with the new lobby. It's a wonderfully big area and it's easy to just stand there and dream of all the connecting and ministries that will happen in that room. Here's a few pictures of the process... The spots are dust in the air that the flash picks up.
I don't even want to comment on this photo.... seriously, PT, did Margaret put you up to that photo and what are you drinking?
More on the next blog...


Timothy Braun said...

Hey, I was hoping for some privacy!! Well, not really.

And as for the drink,I believe that was my favourite: an "Extra-hot Chai Tea latte" from Starbucks. Now you all know... wink-wink, nudge-nudge.

Lisa Sawatzky said...

Is that what you would call "getting canned"?

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