Thursday, May 15, 2008

Thank God for great weather to build the floor!

I was thinking today that we sometimes take the weather forgranted.
Now I know that some people would like it to rain but for this project, it has been great weather! Praise God for that! George tells us that the project is on schedule and doing well.
It looks like we were having some trouble with people STILL wanting to use that door, so George and Marty put a stop to it!
A floor stop. Here George and Marty are standing on the entrance level right where the stairs will to to the lobby level. Shawn is walking on the wall right where the fireplace will be. They told me I should wait a bit to go try out my new office. Maybe tomorrow.
By the time we go for lunch in 10 minutes, most of the joists will be in.
I'll post more tomorrow.

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