Thursday, May 1, 2008

Moving right along

The auditorium looks SO good!
The first few days this week were interesting. It was great to watch the carpet come in but with that is the glue smell. It was rather strong but fortunately we now have windows that open and most of the stong smell soon cleared out.
They are starting the footings for the front section today.
This is a picture of the new bathrooms under the stage.
Henry and Ryan are working on "boxing". Well, at least they know what they are doing.
We might have had a bit of a mishap with the new guy. Henry is a friend of one of the pastors (no seems to be admitting it) who came out from Foam Lake to help for the week. George is considering hiring him, however, after this incident, it might not be such a good idea.

OK, stop worrying. It's just Henry's silly sense of humor. He set it all up and made me take the picture.

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