Friday, May 30, 2008

Don't forget the youth room!

Meanwhile, the boarders were here and finishing boarding the youth room. We are hoping they come back soon to mud and finish the walls. It's looking pretty good! A nice size room!
AND... the Gord and Gary team worked as far as they could on the siding on the north side. It sure looks a lot better now! Maybe we could start landscaping this side soon?
South side.
Hey, this looks like the first meeting in Pastor Harv's office.
Have a great weekend and don't forget to stop by the garage sale at Harv & Sharon's Friday afternoon and all day Saturday. We are selling hot dogs and hamburgers and homemade pies. There's also a bake sale with some delicious items. See you there!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the BROWN siding. There's nothing like BROWN siding. BROWN siding really makes a statement, which is great because many people will see the BROWN siding as they are going about their business in town. Nice job Gord! Gord's new nickname should be "Pinkie". I should stop tping or maybe he won't do our hardwood floor...

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