Thursday, May 22, 2008

A beautiful day turned into a very busy day!

One back wall, one front wall. Two front walls. That's a very handy machine!
Entrance wall going up.
Caught on the window but Shawn cleared it quickly. Good job Shawn!
This is the big wall. I'll try to post a video of this one going up. It was really cool!
It's really starting to look like a huge building! It's going to be so wonderful. God is so good! Thank you for your prayers! Keep praying for God to provide in so many ways: safety, supplies, financing, workers, volunteers, trades.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That really is going to be almost done by the time I get there. Wow! You have done so much and it looks so great. Tell those workers that I think they're amazing for working so fast!

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