Tuesday, April 22, 2008

We're Getting Close!

Hello Everyone! It's Pastor Tim here this time. Here's just a quick update on what's happened since the last post:

On Friday the cement truck came and poured the floor for the basement under the stage.

Marty got right at it. When he gets excited about something he moves so fast he's a blur! Well, actually the problem is that I'm not much of a photographer... but you get the idea.

Here are the mudders hard at work. We all like watching him work on the stilts.

And this morning they've started doing the stone-work for the front of the stage. You can't tell from this crummy picture (sorry) but it looks great.
Here, this one's a little better.
I'll have more updates later on but that gets you caught up for now. This morning they are also swapping out the furnaces so we have no heat for the moment. I wish that could have happened when it was 20 degrees outside. Right now my fingers are freezing as I type this!


Anonymous said...

That is looking great!
Sorry you are so cold Tim. I walked Cocoa Beach today ... it was 83 degrees. It was nice but, we miss you.

charmaine said...

Wow, that looks awesome! Everyone has done a wonderful job. Actually, I think Tim should use the stilts next time he preaches...

Timothy Braun said...

Hahaha! I like it... but I think I'll leave the stilts for Harv:)

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