Friday, April 25, 2008

We just might make it!!

Well, on Thursday and Friday we've had a great group of volunteers working long hours. They've made quite the transformation in the auditorium.

Check out these pictures: from priming right through to the painting:

Doesn't the new paint look fantastic? I love it!

And this is the first light fixture to go up.
I'll really miss those old ones*... (*the previous statement was intended to be as sarcastic as you can possible read it to be).
And now it's time to clean up!

Of course there was a lot of other stuff going on as well but it's not all that visible: a lot of electrical and duct work was going on while the painting was happening.

Well, see you Sunday. But if you have some time, swing by the church on Saturday at 10:00 and help us do a quick clean up and set up the chairs for Sunday.



Anonymous said...

Wow, that is so cool! Mom and dad kept saying there was stonework, but I really wasn't sure what they were talking about. It looks great. And good blogging there, Pastor Tim.

Anonymous said...

The paint looks awesome. We enjoy checking the blog for progress. You're doing a great job!
Mal and Eleanor braun

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