Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Trouble with the rug! It doesn't want to go!

Today again proved to be an interesting day.
First, the drywallers were there all morning and it's looking so good.

Then several volunteers worked all afternoon to remove the rug. Most of it had been easily removed on Monday but this one piece was VERY stubborn. Even 3 or 4 men on one corner couldn't budge it.

What could they do?

Bring in the tough truck!

They hooked up the straps to the rug and then to the truck out the door.

It was still a difficult job because the rug would just tear.

Finally, they cut it in small strips and went back to the man power.

Good job, Bill, John, Lloyd & Aron!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, what church is that? It certainly isn't the church I used to attend. Wow! What a transformation.

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