Friday, April 4, 2008

Answer to Prayer

The Plumber is here!!!! One day I'll get his name but for now it's just great to see him and his crew working on site! Thanks to all who were praying for this.

This is the trench in the new basement ready for the plumber.

We've been waiting each day now for the doorway to the new basement to open. One day they marked through the drywall with a nail.

Then a few days later, they cut the drywall. I stood there with the camera waiting to see a hole punched through. But NO, George came down the stairs and said "Not today."
This morning, there it was. I MISSED THE SHOT! Oh well.

It's kind of strange to be able to walk through a doorway there! Fortunately, they have added a temporary door to keep in our heat.

So, that will be all for this week. I'll post more pictures next Tuesday or Wednesday.

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