Monday, December 17, 2007

Christmas in Reverse - MBC Kid's Musical - Dec. 16

Sunday morning, on December 16 Martensville Baptist was full. 221 people came to hear their children, grandchildren, the kids of our church performing a musical that proclaimed the true message of Christmas loud and clear.

The program started with the younger class telling their version of Christmas through a poem they recited together ... well, mostly together... when that silly microphone wasn't distracting them!

(Click on the pictures to enlarge them, then click the "back" button)

"Christmas in Reverse" was directed by Tammy W. and Lori G. The kids acting and singing were Kindergarten to youth. They started with a lively song as they moved into their places creating the nativity scene, a choir of angels and the narrators. In order to tell the story of how God planned this scene from the very beginning, they cleared the stage by sending all the characters of the nativity scene to join the choir to make room for Adam and Eve. The Old Testament story continued through the songs, telling how God had prepared the way for us to receive the gift of Jesus on that first Christmas day.

What a great way to re-tell such an amazing, life changing story.

Everyone in attendance was amazed at the children's incredible performance and we went home tremendously blessed. Congratulations kids for doing such a great job! We are very proud of all of you!

Praise God for all the amazing things He is accomplishing in and through our church!


Anonymous said...

Let me be the first to comment on the church blog. I am very proud of all the children that performed on Sunday; they all did an awesome job. And Tammy and Lori, patience and perseverance are definitely gifts that you both hold. Congratulations on a job well done!!

Anonymous said...

Well, I was going to be the first to comment, but that was back in the "no comment allowed" days so I couldn't. I want to thank you for putting together this blog. It's so neat to be able to see how the church is growing and developing. It would be nice to be there and be amongst all of you to share in your joy. God has other plans, though and I will follow him.

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